Friday, November 30, 2012

Roller Coaster

On Wednesday, we got a call from a birth mother.  I was sitting in a CPR class (of course the only time that I don't have my paperwork describing what to discuss) and my phone rang.  I looked down and thought, "I don't know that number; I won't answer."  Then I realized that I didn't know the number!!  I stepped outside and it was an incredible girl who is trying to make the best choice for her future child.  She is 6-8 weeks along and said she was committed to the idea of adoption.  Thursday morning, I left a message for the agency to tell them about the call but was so excited about becoming a parent.  Thursday morning, she called me again to talk.  She asked us to go to the doctor's appointments with her.  She told us that she looked through tons of profiles and that we just seemed like the kind of family she wished she had grown up in.  It was almost too good to be true.

Then, the agency called her.  She said she was out shopping and couldn't talk, but would call later.  They called me today to tell me that they left several messages for her, but that she hasn't returned them.  Policy is that, at this point, they stop calling.  They don't want to pressure her into adoption.  They said that sometimes this happens when it is so early on in the pregnancy and that sometimes the birth mother pops up again a few months later, but that it is not a match at this point.  I tried so hard not to get my hopes up, but I couldn't help it.  I'm just so sad.  I know we haven't waited long at all in their adoption process, but we have been trying to get pregnant for 4.5 years and been pursuing adoption for 11 months.  I just want to be a parent.  Please pray for peace and patience for me.  I am really struggling right now.  The rain and gloom outside really fits today.

Friday, November 2, 2012

We are in circulation!!!!

We're so excited!!!!!!

We have been working for this day since January.  After two agencies, 21 edits of our birthmother letter, making websites, blogs, and filling out tons of paperwork, we are in circulation.  This means that we could match with a birthmother at any moment.  The average wait time before match is 14.8 months and the average match is with someone who is 6 months pregnant, so we are still looking at a long wait.  Or maybe not.  That is what is so exciting!

People have asked how they can help.  There are a few ways:
1)  Help us network.  10% of adoptions take place due to personal networking.  You may not think you know anyone looking to place their baby, but your neighbor's friend's kid might.  Like us on Facebook.  Comment on our birthmother blog and FB posts so that we show up in feeds.  Share our website.  Some of you will receive a copy of our Dear Birthmother letter in the mail.  Just hang on to it in case anything comes up.  Re-post our birthmother letter on your Facebook page.

2) Attend a fundraiser to help us raise the $35K needed to adopt.  You all have been so generous so far!     If you can't attend and would like to help financially, you can donate on-line.  You need to open the web-version (not mobile) of our blog and there is a button in the upper right hand corner.

3) Far more important than that - support us mentally!  The wait can get long and we can drive ourselves crazy with all of the google analytics to see how many people have visited our site and how long they stay on it.  Hug us and keep us busy!! :)